美国国家标准与技术研究院(National Institute of Standards and Technology,NIST)直属美国商务部,从事物理、生物和工程方面的基础和应用研究,以及测量技术和测试方法方面的研究,提供标准、标准参考数据及有关服务。
编号 | 中文名称 | 英文名称 | 规格 |
1d | 石灰石,泥质的 | Limestone, Argillaceous | 70 g |
4L | 铸铁 | Cast Iron | 150 g |
5m | 铸铁 | Cast Iron | 150 g |
6g | 铸铁 | Cast Iron | 150 g |
8K | Bessemer钢(模拟)0.1%碳(芯片形式) | Bessemer Steel (Simulated) 0.1 % Carbon (chip form) | 150 g |
12H | 碱性开敞式钢,0.4%碳 | Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 0.4% Carbon | 150 g |
13g | 0.6%碳钢 | 0.6% Carbon Steel | 150 g |
14g | 碳钢(AISI 1078) | Carbon Steel (AISI 1078) | 150 g |
16F | 基本开式钢,1%碳(晶片形式) | Basic Open-Hearth Steel, 1% Carbon (chip form) | 150 g |
17F | 蔗糖旋光 | Sucrose Optical Rotation | 60 g |
19h | 碱性电工钢,0.2%碳 | Basic Electric Steel, 0.2% Carbon | 150 g |
20g | AISI 1045钢 | AISI 1045 Steel | 150 g |
SRM 25d | 锰矿 | Manganese Ore | 60 g |
30F | Cr-V钢(SAE 6150) | Cr-V Steel (SAE 6150) | 150 g |
32E | 低碳合金钢(SAE 3140)(芯片形式) | Carbon Low Alloy Steel (SAE 3140) (chip form) | 150 g |
39j | 苯甲酸(热标准) | Benzoic Acid (Calorimetric Standard) | 30 g |
45D | 铜二次凝固点 | Copper Secondary Freezing Point | 450 g |
46h | 硅酸盐水泥细度标准 | Portland Cement Fineness Standard | 10 vials x 5 g |
49E | 铅二次冰点标准 | Lead Secondary Freezing Point Standard | 600 g |
50C | 钨铬钒钢 | Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel | 150 g |
53E | 铅基轴承金属(84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) | Lead-Base Bearing Metal (84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) | 150 g |
54D | 轴承金属(锡基) | Bearing Metal (Tin Base) | 75 g |
57b | 金属硅 | Silicon Metal | 40 g |
58A | 硅铁(73%Si常规级) | Ferrosilicon (73% Si Regular Grade) | 75 g |
59A | 硅铁E1级(粉末状) | Ferrosilicon Grade E1 (powder form) | 50 g |
64c | 铁铬高碳(粉末状) | Ferrochromium High Carbon (powder form) | 100 g |
68c | 标准锰铁(粉末状) | Standard Ferromanganese (powder form) | 100 g |
69b | 铝土矿(阿肯色州) | Bauxite (Arkansas) | 60 g |
70B | 钾长石 | Potassium Feldspar | 1 bottle x 40g |
72g | 低合金钢(AISI 4130) | Low Alloy Steel (AISI 4130) | 150 g |
76A | 燃烧耐火材料(铝)203-40%) | Burnt Refractory (Al203-40%) | 75 g |
77a | 燃烧耐火材料(铝)203-60%) | Burnt Refractory (Al203-60%) | 75 g |
78a | 燃烧耐火材料(铝)203-70%) | Burnt Refractory (Al203-70%) | 75 g |
79a | 萤石 | Fluorspar | 120 g |
80A | 汽水-石灰玻璃(珠子) | Soda-Lime Glass (Beads) | 45 g |
81A | 玻璃砂 | Glass Sand | 75 g |
84L | 邻苯二甲酸氢钾 | Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate | 60 g |
87a | 硅铝合金 | Silicon-Aluminum Alloy | 75 g |
88B | 白云石灰岩 | Dolomitic Limestone | 75 g |
89 | 玻璃,铅钡 | Glass, Lead Barium | 45 g |
90 | 铁磷 | Ferrophosphorus | 75 g |
92 | 苏打-石灰玻璃,低硼(粉末) | Soda-Lime Glass, Low Boron (Powder) | 45 g |
93A | 硼硅酸盐玻璃 | Borosilicate Glass | 1 wafer |
94c | 锌基合金(压铸) | Zinc-Base Alloy (Die Casting) | 150 g |
97B | 弗林特粘土 | Flint Clay | 60 g |
98B | 塑料粘土 | Plastic Clay | 60 g |
99b | 苏打长石 | Soda Feldspar | 40 g |
100 B | 锰钢 | Manganese Steel | 150 g |
101g | 18 Cr-10 Ni钢(AISI 304 L)(粉末状) | 18 Cr-10 Ni Steel (AISI 304L) (powder form) | 100 g |
107 C | 铸铁(Ni-Cr-Mo) | Cast Iron (Ni-Cr-Mo) | 150 g |
114 q | 硅酸盐水泥细度标准 | Portland Cement Fineness Standard | 20 vials |
115 a | 铜镍铬铸铁 | Copper-Nickel-Chromium Cast Iron | 150 g |
122 i | 铸铁 | Cast Iron | 150 g |
123 c | 不锈钢,Cr-Ni-Nb(AISI 348) | Stainless Steel, Cr-Ni-Nb (AISI 348) | 150 g |
125 b | La钢,高硅 | LA Steel, High Silicon | 100 g |
126 c | 高镍钢(标称质量分数36%Ni)(片状) | High-Nickel Steel (Nominal Mass Fraction 36 % Ni) (chip form) | 150 g |
127 B | 焊料(40 Sn-60 Pb) | Solder (40Sn — 60Pb) | 150 g |
129 c | 高硫La钢(SAE 112) | LA Steel, High Sulfur (SAE 112) | 150 g |
131h | 精炼铸铁 | Refined Cast Iron | 100 g |
132 b | 工具钢(AISI M2) | Tool Steel (AISI M2) | 150 g |
133 b | 铬钼钢 | Chromium-Molybdenum Steel | 150 g |
134 a | 钼钨铬钒钢 | Molybdenum-Tungsten-Chromium-Vanadium Steel | 150 g |
136 F | 重铬酸钾(氧化标准) | Potassium Dichromate (Oxidimetric Standard) | 60 g |
139 b | 铬镍钼钢 | Chromium-Nickel-Molybdenum Steel | 150 g |
141 e | 乙酰苯胺 | Acetanilide | 2 g |
148 | 烟酸 | Nicotinic Acid | 2 g |
152 A | 碱性开敞式钢0.5%碳(含锡) | Basic Open-Hearth Steel 0.5% Carbon (Tin Bearing) | 150 g |
155 | 铬钨钢 | Chromium-Tungsten Steel | 150 g |
158 A | 硅青铜(晶片形式) | Silicon Bronze (chip form) | 150 g |
160 b | 不锈钢(Cr18-Ni12-Mo2)(AISI 316) | Stainless Steel (Cr 18-Ni 12-Mo 2) (AISI 316) | 150 g |
163 | 铬钢 | Chromium Steel | 100 g |
165 a | 玻璃砂 | Glass Sand | 75 g |
166 C | 低碳不锈钢(AISI 316 L)(芯片形式) | Low-Carbon Stainless Steel (AISI 316L) (chip form) | 100 g |
173 c | 钛合金UNS R 56400(晶片形式) | Titanium Alloy UNS R56400 (chip form) | 50 g |
178 | 0.4C碱性氧气炉钢 | 0.4C Basic Oxygen Furnace Steel | 150 g |
179 | La钢,高硅 | LA Steel, High Silicon | 150 g |
180 | 高品位萤石 | Fluorspar, High Grade | 120 g |
182 | 锂矿(Petalite) | Lithium Ore (Petalite) | 45 g |
183 | 锂矿(鳞云石) | Lithium Ore (Lepidolite) | 45 g |
185i | 邻苯二甲酸氢钾,pH标准 | Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate, pH Standard | 60 g |
186g | pH标准 | pH Standards | set |
磷酸二氢钾(186-I-g) | Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (186-I-g) | ||
磷酸氢二钠(186-II-g) | Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate (186-II-g) | ||
187f | 十水硼酸钠(硼砂),pH标准 | Sodium Tetraborate Decahydrate (Borax), pH Standard | 30 g |
188 | 酒石酸氢钾(pH标准) | Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate (pH Standard) | 60 g |
189 c | 二水硫酸钾pH标准 | Potassium Tetroxalate Dihydrate pH Standard | 65 g |
191 d | pH标准 | pH Standard | 1 bottle x25g;1bottlex30g |
碳酸氢钠(191-I) | Sodium Bicarbonate (191d-I) | ||
碳酸钠(191d-II) | Sodium Carbonate (191d-II) | ||
193 | 硝酸钾 | Potassium Nitrate | 90 g |
194a | 磷酸二氢铵 | Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate | 90 g |
195 | 硅铁(75%Si-高纯度) | Ferrosilicon (75% Si-High-Purity Grade) | 75 g |
196 | 低碳铬铁(粉末状) | Ferrochromium Low Carbon (powder form) | 100 g |
198 | 硅砖 | Silica Brick | 45 g |
199 | 硅砖 | Silica Brick | 45 g |
200 b | 磷酸二氢钾(肥料标准) | Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (Fertilizer Standard) | 90 g |
277 | 钨精矿 | Tungsten Concentrate | 1 bottle x 100 g |
278 | 黑云石岩 | Obsidian Rock | 35 g |
291 | Cr-Mo钢(ASTM A-213) | Cr-Mo Steel (ASTM A-213) | 150 g |
293 | Cr-Ni-Mo(AISI 8620) | Cr-Ni-Mo (AISI 8620) | 150 g |
330 a | 铜矿磨头 | Copper Ore Mill Heads | 1 bottle x 90 g |
331a | 铜矿磨尾 | Copper Ore Mill Tails | 40 g |
334 | 灰铸铁 | Gray Cast Iron | 150 g |
339 | 17铬-9镍-0.2硒钢 | 17 Chromium-9 Nickel-0.2 Selenium Steel | 150 g |
341 | 球墨铸铁 | Ductile Cast Iron | 150 g |
342 a | 球墨铸铁 | Nodular Cast Iron | 150 g |
343 a | 不锈钢(AISI 431) | Stainless Steel (AISI 431) | 150 g |
344 | 15铬-7镍钢(Mo沉淀硬化) | 15 Chromium-7 Nickel Steel (Mo Precipitation Hardening) | 150 g |
345 b | Fe-Cr-Ni合金UNS J 92180(晶片形式) | Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy UNS J92180 (chip form) | 150 g |
346 A | 阀门钢 | Valve Steel | 150 g |
349 a | 瓦斯帕洛伊 | Waspaloy | 150 g |
350 C | 苯甲酸(酸量标准) | Benzoic Acid (Acidimetric Standard) | 30 g |
351 a | 碳酸钠(酸化标准) | Sodium Carbonate (Acidimetric Standard) | 50 g |
360 b | 锆(Sn-Fe-Cr)合金 | Zirconium (Sn-Fe-Cr) Alloy | 100 g |
361 | AISI 4340钢(芯片形式) | AISI 4340 Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
363 | 铬钒钢(改性) | Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) | 150 g |
368 | 碳钢(AISI 1211)(芯片形式) | Carbon Steel (AISI 1211) (chip form) | 150 g |
399 | 非合金铜-铜VI | Unalloyed Copper - Cu VI | 50 g |
400 | 非合金铜-铜VII | Unalloyed Copper - Cu VII | 50 g |
423 | 氧化钼精矿(粉状) | Molybdenum Oxide Concentrate (Powder Form) | 1 pouch x 60 g |
454 | 非合金铜XI(芯片) | Unalloyed Copper XI (chips) | 35 g |
457 | 非合金铜IV(固体) | Unalloyed Copper IV (solid) | rod |
458 | 铍-铜(17510) | Beryllium-Copper (17510) | 50 g |
459 | 铍-铜(17200) | Beryllium-Copper (17200) | 50 g |
460 | 铍铜合金 | Beryllium-Copper Alloy | 50 g |
480 | 钨20%钼合金电子探针标准 | Tungsten 20 % - Molybdenum Alloy Electron Microprobe Standard | disk |
481 | 微探针分析用金银丝 | Gold-Silver Wires for Microprobe Analysis | set (6) |
482 | 微探针分析用金铜丝 | Gold-Copper Wires for Microprobe Analysis | set (6) |
494 | 非合金铜I(固体) | Unalloyed Copper I (solid) | rod |
495 | 非合金铜II(固体) | Unalloyed Copper II (solid) | rod |
498 | 非合金铜V(固体) | Unalloyed Copper V (solid) | rod |
499 | 非合金铜VI(固体) | Unalloyed Copper VI (solid) | rod |
500 | 非合金铜-铜VII | Unalloyed Copper - Cu VII | rod |
600 | 澳大利亚-达林铝土矿 | Bauxite, Australian-Darling Range | 90 g |
606 | 玄武岩玻璃中的微量元素 | Trace Elements in Basalt Glass | cylinder mounted in epoxy |
607 | 钾长石 | Potassium Feldspar | 5 g |
610 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
611 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
612 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
613 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
614 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
616 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
617 | 玻璃中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Glass | 4 wafers |
620 | 汽水,平的 | Soda Lime, Flat | 3 platelets |
622 | 苏打-石灰-硅玻璃 | Soda-Lime-Silica Glass | 2.2 kg |
624 | 用于直流体积电阻率的铅硅玻璃 | Lead-Silica Glass for dc Volume Resistivity | 200 g |
625 | 锌基压铸合金A(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy A (block form) | block |
626 | 锌基压铸合金B(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy B (block form) | block |
627 | 锌基压铸合金C(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy C (block form) | block |
628 | 锌基压铸合金D(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy D (block form) | block |
629 | 锌基压铸合金E(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy E (block form) | block |
630 | 锌基压铸合金F(块状) | Zinc-Base Die-Casting Alloy F (block form) | block |
631 | 光谱锌喷涂机(改进型) | Spectrographic Zinc Spelter (Modified) | block |
633 A | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 4 vials x 5 g |
634 a | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 100 g |
635 a | 硅酸盐水泥(掺矿渣) | Portland Cement (Blended with Slag) | 5 vials x 5 g |
640 e | 粉末衍射线位和线型标准(硅粉) | Line Position and Line Shape Standard for Powder Diffraction (Silicon Powder) | 7.5 g |
641 | 光谱钛.钛基标准钛合金,8 Mn(A) | Spectroscopic Titanium-Base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (A) | disk |
642 | 光谱钛.钛基标准钛合金,8 Mn(B) | Spectroscopic Titanium-Base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (B) | disk |
643 | 光谱钛.钛基标准钛合金,8 Mn(C) | Spectroscopic Titanium-Base Standards Titanium Alloy, 8 Mn (C) | disk |
647 | 钛合金,铝钼锡锆 | Titanium Alloy, Al-Mo-Sn-Zr | 50 g |
648 | 钛基合金5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Cr-4Mo | Titanium-Base Alloy 5Al-2Sn-2Zr-4Cr-4Mo | 50 g |
649 | 钛基合金(15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn) | Titanium-Base Alloy (15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn) | 50 g |
654 b | 钛合金,铝-钒 | Titanium Alloy, Al-V | disk |
656 | 氮化硅粉末(定量分析粉末衍射标准) | Silicon Nitride Powders (Quantitative Analysis Powder Diffraction Standard) | 2 x 10 g |
659 | 沉降仪定标的粒度分布标准 | Particle Size Distribution Standard for Sedigraph Calibration | set (5) |
660 C | 粉末衍射线位和线型标准(六硼化镧粉末) | Line Position and Line Shape Standard for Powder Diffraction (Lanthanum Hexaboride Powder) | 6 g |
663 | 铬钒钢(改性) | Chromium-Vanadium Steel (Modified) | 5 rods |
670 | 金红石矿 | Rutile Ore | 90 g |
675 | 线位置,云母(XRD) | Line Position, Mica (XRD) | 7.5 g |
679 | 砖粘土 | Brick Clay | 75 g |
682 | 高纯锌 | High-Purity Zinc | block |
683 | 锌、金属 | Zinc, Metal | block |
688 | 玄武岩 | Basalt Rock | 60 g |
689 | 铬铁硅 | Ferrochromium Silicon | 100 g |
690 | 加拿大铁矿 | Iron Ore Canada | 100 g |
691 | 氧化铁,还原的 | Iron Oxide, Reduced | 100 g |
692 | 拉布拉多铁矿 | Iron Ore, Labrador | 100 g |
693 | 铁矿(宁巴) | Iron Ore (Nimba) | 100 g |
694 | 磷酸盐岩,西部 | Phosphate Rock, Western | 90 g |
695 | 多元营养肥中的微量元素 | Trace Elements in Multi-Nutrient Fertilizer | 70 g |
696 | 苏里南铝土矿 | Bauxite, Surinam | 60 g |
697 | 多米尼加铝土矿 | Bauxite, Dominican | 60 g |
698 | 牙买加铝土矿 | Bauxite, Jamaican | 60 g |
699 | 氧化铝(还原级) | Alumina (Reduction Grade) | 60 g |
705 a | 聚苯乙烯(窄分子量分布) | Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) | 5 g |
706 A | 聚苯乙烯(宽分子质量分布) | Polystyrene (Broad Molecular Mass Distribution) | 18 g |
709 | 特密铅玻璃 | Extra Dense Lead Glass | block |
717 A | 硼玻璃粘度 | Hi Boron Glass Viscosity | disk |
720 | 蓝宝石热容量 | Sapphire Heat Capacity | 15 g |
723 e | Tris酸量测法 | Tris Acidimetric | 50 g |
728 | 中间纯锌 | Intermediate-Purity Zinc | pellet form, 450 g |
741a | 锡冰点标准 | Tin Freezing-Point Standard | 200 g |
742 | 氧化铝热释热标准 | Aluminum Oxide Pyrometric Standard | 10 g |
762 | 磁矩标准镍盘 | Magnetic Moment Standard - Nickel Disk | 6 mm dia |
764 a | 磁化率标准-铂圆柱 | Magnetic Susceptibility Standard - Platinum Cylinder | 3 mm dia. x 3.42 mm |
772a | 磁矩标准镍球 | Magnetic Moment Standard - Nickel Sphere | each |
781D2 | 钼热容量 | Molybdenum - Heat Capacity | 10 cm |
853 A | 3004铝合金 | Aluminum Alloy 3004 | 40 g |
854 a | 铝合金5182 | Aluminum Alloy 5182 | 40 g |
855 a | 铝合金356 | Aluminum Casting Alloy 356 | 30 g |
856 a | 铝合金380 | Aluminum Casting Alloy 380 | 30 g |
858 | 6011铝合金 | Aluminum Alloy 6011 | 35 g |
861 | 镍基高温合金pwa 1484(晶片形式) | Nickel-based Superalloy PWA 1484 (chip form) | 50 g |
862 | L 605高温合金 | High-Temperature Alloy L 605 | 100 g |
864 | 镍合金UNS N 06600(晶片形式) | Nickel Alloy UNS N06600 (chip form) | 100 g |
865 | Inconel 625 | Inconel 625 | 150 g |
866 | incoly 800 | Incoloy 800 | 100 g |
867 | Ni-Fe-Cr合金UNS N 08825(晶片形式) | Ni-Fe-Cr Alloy UNS N08825 (chip form) | 100 g |
868 | 高温合金(Fe-Ni-Co) | High-Temperature Alloy (Fe-Ni-Co) | 100 g |
869 b | 色谱柱选择性试验混合物(多环芳烃) | Column Selectivity Test Mixture for Liquid Chromatography (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons) | 5 x 1.1 mL |
870 | 液相色谱柱性能试验混合物 | Column Performance Test Mixture of Liquid Chromatography | 5 x 1.1 mL |
871 | 荧光粉青铜(CDA 521) | Phosphor Bronze (CDA 521) | 100 g |
872 | 荧光粉青铜(CDA 544) | Phosphor Bronze (CDA 544) | 100 g |
874 | 铜镍,10%(CDA 706)“高纯度" | Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) "HIGH-PURITY" | 100 g |
875 | 铜镍,10%(CDA 706)“掺杂" | Cupro-Nickel, 10% (CDA 706) "DOPED" | 100 g |
880 | 镍银(CDA 770)(粒状) | Nickel Silver (CDA 770) (granular form) | 100 g |
882 | 镍铜合金(65Ni-31Cu-3Al) | Nickel-Copper Alloy (65Ni-31Cu-3Al) | 100 g |
885 | 精炼铜(针形) | Refined Copper (pin form) | pin form, 200 g |
886 | 难熔金矿 | Refractory Gold Ore | 200 g |
887 | 硬质合金(W-83,Co-10) | Cemented Carbide (W-83,Co-10) | 100 g |
888 | 硬质合金(W-64,Co-25,Ta-5) | Cemented Carbide (W-64,Co-25,Ta-5) | 100 g |
889 | 硬质合金(W-75,Co-9,Ta-5,Ti-4) | Cemented Carbide (W-75,Co-9,Ta-5,Ti-4) | 100 g |
892 | 高合金白口铸铁(镍硬,IV型) | High-Alloy White Cast Iron (Ni-Hard, Type IV) | 150 g |
893 | 不锈钢(SAE 405) | Stainless Steel (SAE 405) | 150 g |
895 | 不锈钢(SAE 201) | Stainless Steel (SAE 201) | 150 g |
897 | 合金A | Tracealloy A | 35 g |
899 | 合金C | Tracealloy C | 35 g |
909 c | 冷冻人血清 | Frozen Human Serum | 3 vials x 2 mL |
911 c | 胆固醇 | Cholesterol | 2 g |
912 b | 尿素 | Urea | 25 g |
913 b | 尿酸 | Uric Acid | 10 g |
917 c | D-葡萄糖(Dextrose) | D-Glucose (Dextrose) | 50 g |
918 c | 一般和离子活度标准(110℃干燥) | Potassium Chloride General and Ion Activity Standard (Dried at 110 °C) | 30 g |
919 b | 氯化钠 | Sodium Chloride | 30 g |
920 | D-甘露醇 | D-Mannitol | 50 g |
921 | 皮质醇 | Cortisol (Hydrocortisone) | 1 g |
927 e | 牛血清白蛋白(7%溶液)(总蛋白标准) | Bovine Serum Albumin (7% solution) (Total Protein Standard) | 10 ampoules x 2.2 mL |
928 | * | Lead Nitrate | 30 g |
929 a | 葡萄糖酸镁 | Magnesium Gluconate | 5 g |
931h | 紫外可见分光度法液体吸光度标准 | Liquid Absorbance Standard for Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometry | set (12) |
937 | 铁金属 | Iron Metal | 50 g |
951a | 硼酸同位素标准 | Boric Acid Isotopic Standard | 10 g |
953 | 中子密度监测线 | Neutron Density Monitor Wire | 1 m |
955 c | 山羊血液中的有毒金属 | Toxic Metals in Caprine Blood | 4 vials x 2 mL |
956 d | 冷冻人血清中的电解质 | Electrolytes in Frozen Human Serum | 6 ampoules x 2 mL |
965 b | 冷冻人血清中的葡萄糖 | Glucose in Frozen Human Serum | 8 ampoules x 2 mL |
967 a | 冷冻人血清中的肌酐 | Creatinine in Frozen Human Serum | 4 vials x 1 mL |
968 f | 冷冻人血清中脂溶性维生素的研究 | Fat-Soluble Vitamins in Frozen Human Serum | 2 vials x 1 mL |
972 a | 冷冻人血清中维生素D代谢产物的研究 | Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum | 4 vials x 1 mL |
973 | 硼酸测定标准 | Boric Acid Acidimetric Standard | 100 g |
975 a | 氯同位素标准 | Isotopic Standard for Chlorine | 0.25 g |
977 | 溴同位素标准 | Isotopic Standard for Bromine | 0.25 g |
978 a | 银同位素标准 | Assay-Isotopic Standard for Silver | 0.25 g |
979 | 铬同位素标准 | Chromium Isotopic Standard | 0.25 g |
980 | 镁同位素标准 | Isotopic Standard for Magnesium | 0.25 g |
981 | 共同铅同位素标准 | Common Lead Isotopic Standard | 1 g wire |
983 | 放射性铅同位素标准 | Radiogenic Lead Isotopic Standard | 1 g wire |
984 | 氯化铷 | Rubidium Chloride | 0.25 g |
986 | 镍同位素标准 | Isotopic Standard for Nickel | 0.5 g |
987 | 碳酸锶同位素标准 | Strontium Carbonate Isotopic Standard | 1 g |
994 | 镓同位素标准 | Isotopic Standard for Gallium | 0.25 g |
998 | 血管紧张素I(人) | Angiotensin I (Human) | 0.5 mg |
999c | 初级标准(500℃干燥) | Potassium Chloride Primary Standard (Dried at 500 °C) | 30 g |
1003 c | 玻璃珠.粒度分布 | Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution | 28 g |
1004b | 玻璃珠.粒度分布 | Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution | 43 g |
1010 a | 微拷贝分辨率测试图 | Microcopy Resolution Test Charts | set (5) |
1012 | 地板辐射板 | Flooring Radiant Panel | set (3) |
1017 b | 玻璃珠.粒度分布(100μm到400μm直径范围) | Glass Beads - Particle Size Distribution (100 μm to 400 μm diameter range) | 70 g |
1018 b | 玻璃(粒度) | Glass (Particle Size) | 87 g |
1019 b | 玻璃(粒度) | Glass (Particle Size) | 200 g |
1021 | 玻璃(粒度) | Glass ( Particle Size) | 4 g |
1034 | 非合金铜 | Unalloyed Copper | rod |
1035 | 铅锡青铜合金 | Leaded-Tin Bronze Alloy | 50 g |
1082 | 卷烟点火强度标准 | Cigarette Ignition Strength Standard | 1 carton (200 cigarettes) |
1083 | 润滑油中的金属磨损 | Wear-Metals in Lubricating Oil | 150 mL |
1085 c | 润滑油中的金属磨损 | Wear Metals in Lubricating Oil | 10 ampoules (1.2 g each) |
1089 | 钢制钢(由SRMS 1095、1096、1097、1098和1099组成) | Steels, Set (consists of SRMs 1095, 1096, 1097, 1098 and 1099) | 5 rods |
1090 | 钢锭中的氧 | Oxygen in Ingot Iron | rod |
1091a | 不锈钢中的氧气(AISI 431) | Oxygen in Stainless Steel (AISI 431) | rod |
1093 | 阀门钢中的氧 | Oxygen in Valve Steel | rod |
1094 | 马氏体时效钢中的氧 | Oxygen in Maraging Steel | rod |
1110 | 红黄铜B | Red Brass B | disk |
1111 | 红黄铜标准 | Red Brass Standard | disk |
1112 | 镀金金属 | Gilding Metal | disk |
1113 | 镀金金属 | Gilding Metal | disk |
1114 | 镀金金属 | Gilding Metal | disk |
1115 | 光学发射和X射线光谱分析的商业青铜标准 | Commercial Bronze Standard for Optical Emission and X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis | disk |
1116 | 光学发射和X射线光谱分析的商业青铜标准 | Commercial Bronze Standard for Optical Emission and X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis | disk |
1117 | 光学发射和X射线光谱分析的商业青铜标准 | Commercial Bronze Standard for Optical Emission and X-ray Spectroscopic Analysis | disk |
1124 | 自由切割黄铜(UNS 36000) | Free Cutting Brass (UNS C36000) | 1 disk |
1128 | 钛基合金(15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn) | Titanium -Base Alloy (15V-3Al-3Cr-3Sn) | disk |
1129 | 钎料(63Sn37Pb) | Solder (63Sn-37Pb) | 200 g |
1131 | 焊料(40 Sn-60 Pb) | Solder (40Sn - 60Pb) | disk |
1132 | 铅基轴承金属(84Pb-10Sb-6Sn) | Lead-Base Bearing Metal (84Pb - 10Sb - 6Sn) | disk |
1134 | 低合金高硅钢(圆盘形) | Low-Alloy High-Silicon Steel (disk form) | disk |
1135 | La钢,高硅 | LA Steel, High Silicon | disk |
1138 a | 铸钢标准 | Cast Steel Standard | block |
1139 a | 铸钢标准 | Cast Steel Standard | block |
1155 a | 不锈钢(Cr18Ni12,Mo2) | Stainless Steel (Cr 18 Ni 12, Mo 2) | disk |
1157 | 工具钢(AISI M2) | Tool Steel (AISI M2) | disk |
1158 | 高镍钢(标称质量分数36%Ni)(圆盘形) | High-Nickel Steel (Nominal Mass Fraction 36 % Ni) (disk form) | disk |
1159 | 电子和磁性合金标准 | Electronic and Magnetic Alloy Standard | disk |
1160 | Elec/Mag Ni-Mo-Fe | Elec/Mag Ni-Mo-Fe | disk |
1171 | 不锈钢Cr17-Ni11-Ti0.3(AISI 321) | Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Ti 0.3 (AISI 321) | disk |
1172 | 不锈钢Cr17-Ni11-Nb0.6(AISI 348) | Stainless Steel Cr 17-Ni 11-Nb 0.6 (AISI 348) | disk |
1173 | Ni-Cr-Mo-V钢 | Ni-Cr-Mo-V Steel | disk |
1196 | 点火电阻试验用标准卷烟 | Standard Cigarette for Ignition Resistance Testing | 2 cartons(400 cigarettes) |
1218 | La钢,高硅 | LA Steel, High Silicon | disk |
1219 | 不锈钢CR16-Ni2(AISI 431)(圆盘形式) | Stainless Steel Cr16 - Ni2 (AISI 431) (disk form) | disk |
1223 | 铬钢 | Chromium Steel | disk |
1224 | La钢,碳(AISI 1078) | LA Steel, Carbon (AISI 1078) | disk |
1225 | LA钢(AISI 4130) | LA Steel (AISI 4130) | disk |
1226 | La钢 | LA Steel | disk |
1227 | La钢,基础开口,1%C | LA Steel, Basic Open Hearth, 1% C | disk |
1228 | La钢,0.1%C | LA Steel, 0.1% C | disk |
1230 | A 286高温合金(盘形) | High-Temperature Alloy A286 (disk form) | disk |
1240 c | 3004铝合金 | Aluminum Alloy 3004 | disk |
1241 c | 铝合金5182 | Aluminum Alloy 5182 | disk |
1242 | L 605高温合金 | High Temperature Alloy L 605 | disk |
1243 | Ni-Cr-Co合金UNS N 07001(盘形) | Ni-Cr-Co Alloy UNS N07001 (disk form) | disk |
1244 | 镍合金UNS N 06600(盘形) | Nickel Alloy UNS N06600 (disk form) | disk |
1246 | incoly 800 | Incoloy® 800 | disk |
1247 | Ni-Fe-Cr合金UNS N 08825(盘形) | Ni-Fe-Cr Alloy UNS N08825 (disk form) | disk |
1249 | Ni-Cr-Fe-Nb-Mo合金UNS N 07718(盘形) | Ni-Cr-Fe-Nb-Mo Alloy UNS N07718 (disk form) | disk |
1250 | 高温合金(Fe-Ni-Co) | High-Temperature Alloy (Fe-Ni-Co) | disk |
1255 b | 铝合金356(圆盘形) | Aluminum Alloy 356 (disk form) | disk |
1256 b | 铝合金380 | Aluminum Alloy 380 | disk |
1258-I | 6011铝合金(改进型)(圆盘形式) | Aluminum Alloy 6011 (Modified) (disk form) | disk |
1259 | 铝合金7075 | Aluminum Alloy 7075 | disk |
1264 a | La钢,高碳(MOD.) | LA Steel, High Carbon (mod.) | disk |
1265 a | 电解铁 | Electrolytic Iron | disk |
1269 | 管线(AISI 1526 MOD.) | Line Pipe (AISI 1526 mod.) | disk |
1270 | La钢,Cr-Mo(A 336)(F-22) | LA Steel, Cr-Mo (A336) (F-22) | disk |
1271 | La钢(HSLA-100) | LA Steel (HSLA-100) | disk |
1276 a | 铜镍(CDA 715) | Cupro-Nickel (CDA 715) | disk |
1286 | 低合金钢(HY 80) | Low Alloy Steel (HY 80) | disk |
1295 | 不锈钢(SAE 405) | Stainless Steel (SAE 405) | disk |
1297 | 不锈钢(SAE 201) | Stainless Steel (SAE 201) | disk |
1359 b | 镀层厚度标准(钢上无磁性涂层) | Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) | set (5) |
1361 b | 镀层厚度标准(钢上无磁性涂层) | Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) | set (5) |
1362 b | 镀层厚度标准(钢上无磁性涂层) | Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) | set (5) |
1363 b | 镀层厚度标准(钢上无磁性涂层) | Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) | set (5) |
1364 b | 镀层厚度标准(钢上无磁性涂层) | Coating Thickness Standard (Nonmagnetic Coating on Steel) | set (5) |
1400 | 骨灰 | Bone Ash | 50 g |
1401 | 冷冻人血液中的微量金属 | Trace Metals in Frozen Human Blood | 4 vials x 1.6 mL |
1411 | 软硼硅酸盐玻璃 | Soft Borosilicate Glass | 10 platelets |
1413 | 高铝砂 | High Alumina Sand | 75 g |
1416 | 液相线温度用硅酸铝玻璃 | Aluminosilicate Glass for Liquidus Temperature | 250 g |
1449 | 耐热烟化硅板 | Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board | each |
1452 | 热阻.高精度测量用纤维玻璃毯 | Thermal Resistance - Fibrous Glass Blanket for High Precision Measurements | each |
1453 | 导热系数-膨胀聚苯乙烯板 | Thermal Conductivity - Expanded Polystyrene Board | each |
1457 | 超导临界电流-铌钛丝 | Superconducting Critical Current - Nb Ti Wire | each |
1459 | 耐热烟化硅板 | Thermal Resistance - Fumed Silica Board | each |
1473 c | 低密度聚乙烯树脂 | Low Density Polyethylene Resin | 60 g |
1474 b | 聚乙烯树脂 | Polyethylene Resin | 60 g |
1478 | 聚苯乙烯(窄分子量分布) | Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) | 2 g |
1479 | 聚苯乙烯(窄分子量分布) | Polystyrene (Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) | 2 g |
1482a | 线性聚乙烯窄分子质量分布(标称质量-平均摩尔质量为13600 g/mol) | Linear Polyethylene Narrow Molecular Mass Distribution (Nominal Mass-Average Molar Mass of 13 600 g/mol) | 0.3 g |
143 a | 线性聚乙烯窄分子质量分布(标称质量-平均摩尔质量为32 100 g/mol) | Linear Polyethylene Narrow Molecular Mass Distribution (Nominal Mass-Average Molar Mass of 32 100 g/mol) | 0.3 g |
1484 a | 线性聚乙烯 | Linear Polyethylene | 0.3 g |
1486 | 骨粉 | Bone Meal | 50 g |
1487 | 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(6K窄分子量分布) | Poly(Methyl Methacrylate) (6 K Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution) | 2 g |
1488 | 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯29K窄分子量分布 | Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) 29 K Narrow Molecular Weight Distribution | 2 g |
1491a | 甲苯中甲基取代多环芳烃 | Methyl-Substituted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Toluene | 5 x 1.2 mL |
1493 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的多氯联苯同系物 | Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
1494 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的脂肪族烃 | Aliphatic Hydrocarbons in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
1496 | 无色素聚乙烯燃气管树脂 | Unpigmented Polyethylene Gas Pipe Resin | 0.9 kg |
1507b | 冷冻干燥尿液中的11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic酸 | 11-Nor-Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol-9-Carboxylic Acid in Freeze-Dried Urine | set (3) |
1508 a | 冷冻干燥尿液中苯甲酰乙二醇 | Benzoylecgonine (Cocaine Metabolite) in Freeze-dried Urine | set (4) |
1514 | 热分析纯集 | Thermal Analysis Purity Set | set (4) |
1515 | 苹果叶 | Apple Leaves | 50 g |
1543 | GC/MS系统性能标准 | GC/MS System Performance Standard | 4 x 1 mL |
1546 a | 肉匀浆 | Meat Homogenate | 4 cans x 85 g |
1547 | 桃叶 | Peach Leaves | 50 g |
1548 a | 典型饮食 | Typical Diet | set (2) |
1549 a | 全奶粉 | Whole Milk Powder | 5 pouches x 10 g each |
1566 b | 牡蛎组织 | Oyster Tissue | 25 g |
1567 b | 小麦粉 | Wheat Flour | 50 g |
1568 b | 米粉 | Rice Flour | 50 g |
1570 a | 菠菜叶片中的微量元素 | Trace Elements in Spinach Leaves | 60 g |
1573 a | 番茄叶 | Tomato Leaves | 50 g |
1575 a | 松针中的微量元素泰达松) | Trace Elements in Pine Needles (Pinus taeda) | 50 g powder |
1577 c | 牛肝 | Bovine Liver | 20 g |
1597 a | 多环芳烃、煤焦油的复合混合物 | Complex Mixture of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Coal Tar | 1 x 1.3 mL |
1598 a | 动物血清中的无机成分 | Inorganic Constituents in Animal Serum | 2 vials x 5 mL |
1614 | 二恶英(异辛烷中的2,3,7,8-TCDD) | Dioxin (2,3,7,8-TCDD in Isooctane) | 6 x 1.2 mL |
1617 b | 煤油中的硫(高水平) | Sulfur in Kerosine (High Level) | 100 mL |
1619 b | 残余燃料油中的硫(0.7%) | Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (0.7%) | 100 mL |
1622 e | 残余燃料油中的硫(公称质量分数2%) | Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 %) | 100 mL |
1623 d | 残余燃料油中的硫(公称质量分数0.2%) | Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.2 %) | 100 mL |
1624 d | 柴油中的硫(名义质量分数0.4%) | Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.4 %) | 100 mL |
1632 e | 煤中微量元素(沥青) | Trace Elements in Coal (Bituminous) | 50 g |
1633 c | 粉煤灰中的微量元素 | Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash | 75 g |
1634 c | 燃料油中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Fuel Oil | 100 mL |
1635 a | 煤中微量元素(亚烟煤) | Trace Elements in Coal (Subbitumimous) | 50 g |
1640 a | 天然水中的微量元素 | Trace Elements in Natural Water | 250 mL |
1641e | 水中汞 | Mercury in Water | 10x10 mL |
1643 f | 水中微量元素 | Trace Elements in Water | 250 mL |
1646 a | 河口沉积物 | Estuarine Sediment | 70 g |
1647 f | 乙腈中的优先污染物多环芳烃 | Priority Pollutant Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Acetonitrile | 5 x 1.3 mL |
1648 a | 城市颗粒物 | Urban Particulate Matter | 2 g |
1649 b | 城市粉尘 | Urban Dust | 2 g |
1650 b | 柴油颗粒物 | Diesel Particulate Matter | 200 mg |
1655 | 溶液量热法 | Potassium Chloride, KCl (cr) for Solution Calorimetry | 30 g |
1656 | 硫蒽燃烧热计量标准 | Thianthrene Combustion Calorimetric Standard | 30 g |
1657 | 合成垃圾燃料燃烧热计量标准 | Synthetic Refuse-Derived Fuel Combustion Calorimetric Standard | 100 g |
1658 a | 空气中的甲烷(公称量-物质分数为1毫微升/摩尔) | Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1659 a | 空气中的甲烷(公称质量分数为10 umol/mol) | Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 umol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1662a | 氮气中的二氧化硫(公称量-物质分数1000毫微升/摩尔) | Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1663 a | 氮气中的二氧化硫(公称含量为1500毫微升/摩尔) | Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1664 a | 氮气中的二氧化硫(公称含量为2500毫微升/摩尔) | Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1667 b | 空气中的丙烷(公称质量分数50毫微升/摩尔) | Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1669 b | 空气中的丙烷(公称含量为500毫微升/摩尔) | Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1674 b | 氮中二氧化碳(公称量-物质分数为7%mol/mol) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 7 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1678 c | 氮中一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数50毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1679 c | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数100毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1680 b | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称含量为500毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1685 b | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称量-物质分数250毫微升/摩尔) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1686 b | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称量-物质分数500毫微升/摩尔) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1687 b | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称量-物质分数1000毫微升/摩尔) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1690 | 聚苯乙烯球(公称直径1米) | Polystyrene Spheres (Nominal Diameter 1 µm) | 5 mL |
1691 | 聚苯乙烯球(公称直径0.3米) | Polystyrene Spheres (Nominal Diameter 0.3 µm) | 5 mL |
1693a | 氮气中的二氧化硫(公称量-物质分数50毫微升/摩尔) | Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1696 a | 氮气中的二氧化硫(公称物质含量为3500毫微升/摩尔) | Sulfur Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1711 | 3004铝合金 | Aluminum Alloy 3004 | disk |
1713 | 铝合金5182 | Aluminum Alloy 5182 | disk |
1718 | 空气中的一氧化二氮(公称量-物质分数为1毫微升/摩尔) | Nitrous Oxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
1720 | 北大陆空气 | Northern Continental Air | 30 L cylinder |
1721 | 南大洋空气 | Southern Oceanic Air | 30 L cylinder |
1722 | 大陆空气中的卤代烃(公称物质含量-环境) | Halocarbons in Continental Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction - Ambient) | 29.5 L cylinder |
1727 | 阳极锡 | Anode Tin | block |
1728 | 锡合金(Sn-3Cu-0.5Ag) | Tin Alloy (Sn-3Cu-0.5Ag) | disk |
1729 | 锡合金(97 Sn-3 Pb) | Tin Alloy (97 Sn - 3 Pb) | disk |
1738 | 锌铝合金 | Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | disk |
1740 | 锌铝合金 | Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | disk |
1741 | 锌铝合金 | Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | disk |
1742 | 锌铝合金 | Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | disk |
1746 | 银冰点标准 | Silver Freezing-Point Standard | 300 g |
1749 | 金对铂热电偶认证温度计 | Gold versus Platinum Thermocouple Certified Thermometer | each |
1750 | 标准铂电阻温度计认证温度计 | Standard Platinum Resistance Thermometer Certified Thermometer | each |
1754 | 低合金钢,AISI 4320 | Low-Alloy Steel, AISI 4320 | rod |
1755 | 低合金钢中的氮 | Nitrogen in Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1761a | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1762a | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1763 a | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1764 a | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1765 | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1766 | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1767 | 低合金钢 | Low Alloy Steel | disk |
1768 | 高纯铁(盘式) | High-Purity Iron (disk form) | disk |
1772 | 工具钢(S-7) | Tool Steel (S-7) | disk |
1775 | 耐火合金MP-35-N | Refractory Alloy MP-35-N | disk |
1810 a | 衬板 | Linerboard | 50 each |
1818 a | 润滑油基础油中的氯 | Chlorine in Lubricating Base Oils | set (5) |
1819 a | 润滑油基础油中的硫 | Sulfur in Lubricating Base Oil | set (5) |
1828 c | 乙醇-水溶液(6级) | Ethanol-Water Solutions (Six Levels) | 6 x 1.2 mL |
1830 | 纯碱-石灰浮法玻璃(标称质量分数0.1%Al)2O3) | Soda-Lime Float Glass (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.1 % Al2O3) | 3 platelets |
1831 | 碱-石灰片玻璃(标称质量分数1.2%Al)2O3) | Soda-Lime Sheet Glass (Nominal Mass Fraction 1.2 % Al2O3) | 3 platelets |
1835 | 硼酸矿 | Borate Ore | 60 g |
1845 a | 全蛋粉 | Whole Egg Powder | 5 pouches x 10 g each |
1848 | 润滑油添加剂包装 | Lubricating Oil Additive Package | 100 g |
1849 a | 婴儿/成人营养配方I(以牛奶为基础) | Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula I (milk-based) | 10 pouches x 10 g each |
1857 | 磨料磨损标准工具钢 | Tool Steel for Abrasive Wear Standard | 2 blocks |
1869 | 婴儿/成人营养配方II(牛奶/乳清/大豆) | Infant/Adult Nutritional Formula II (milk/whey/soy-based) | 10 pouches x 10 g each |
1877 | 氧化铍粉 | Beryllium Oxide Powder | 20 g |
1878 b | 可吸入α石英(X射线粉末衍射定量标准) | Respirable Alpha Quartz (Quantitative X-Ray Powder Diffraction Standard) | 5 g |
1879 b | 可吸入方石英(X射线粉末衍射定量标准) | Respirable Cristobalite (Quantitative X-Ray Powder Diffraction Standard) | 5 g |
1880 b | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 5 vials x 5 g |
1881b | 硅酸盐水泥(掺粉煤灰) | Portland Cement (Blended with Fly Ash) | 5 vials x 5 g |
1882a | 铝酸钙水泥 | Calcium Aluminate Cement | 4 vials x 5 g |
1883a | 铝酸钙水泥 | Calcium Aluminate Cement | 4 vials x 5 g |
1884b | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 5 vials x 4.5 g |
1885 b | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 5 vials x 5 g |
1886年b | 白硅酸盐水泥 | White Portland Cement | 5 vials x 5 g |
1886年a | 硅酸盐水泥(含低铁的白硅酸盐水泥) | Portland Cement (White Portland Cement with Low Iron) | 4 vials x 5 g |
1887 b | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 4 vials x 5 g each |
1888 b | 硅酸盐水泥 | Portland Cement | 4 vials x 5 g |
1889 b | 硅酸盐水泥(与石灰石混合) | Portland Cement (Blended with Limestone) | 5 vials x 5 g |
1893 | 铜显微硬度测试块(Knoop) | Copper Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) | each |
1894a | 铜的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Copper | each |
1895 | 镍显微硬度测试块(Knoop) | Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) | each |
1896 b | 镍的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Nickel | each |
1898 | 二氧化钛纳米材料 | Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterial | 15 g |
1900 | 比表面积标准 | Specific Surface Area Standard | 4 g |
1905 | 镍显微硬度测试块(Knoop) | Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) | each |
1906 | 镍显微硬度测试块(Knoop) | Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) | each |
1907 | 镍显微硬度测试块(Knoop) | Nickel Microhardness Test Block (Knoop) | each |
1908 | 镍的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Nickel | each |
1909 | 镍的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Nickel | each |
1917 | 汞渗透测量标准 | Mercury Porosimetry Standard | 10 g |
1921 b | 红外传输波长/波数标准 | Infrared Transmission Wavelength/Wavenumber Standard | 1 card |
1929 | 红外高反射光谱标准(公称直径25毫米) | Infrared High Reflectance Specular Standard (Nominal Diameter 25 mm) | disk |
1932 | 荧光素溶液 | Fluorescein Solution | 3 x 2 mL |
1934 | 定量流式细胞术用荧光染料(可见光谱范围) | Fluorescent Dyes for Quantitative Flow Cytometry (Visible Spectral Range) | 4 ampoules x 1 each level |
1941年b | 海洋沉积物中的有机物 | Organics in Marine Sediment | 50 g |
1944 | 纽约/新泽西水道沉积物 | New York/New Jersey Waterway Sediment | 50 g |
1945 | 鲸中的有机物 | Organics in Whale Blubber | 2x15 g |
1946 | 苏必利尔湖鱼类组织 | Lake Superior Fish Tissue | 5 x 7-9 grams |
1947 | 密西根湖鱼类组织 | Lake Michigan Fish Tissue | 5 x 8 grams |
1950 | 冷冻人血浆中的代谢物 | Metabolites in Frozen Human Plasma | 5 vials x 1 mL |
1951年c | 冷冻人血清中的脂质 | Lipids in Frozen Human Serum | 4 vials x 1 mL |
1953 | 非强化人乳中的有机污染物 | Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Milk | 5 x 5 mL |
1954 | 强化人乳中的有机污染物 | Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Milk | 5 x 5 mL |
1957 | 非强化人血清中的有机污染物(冻干) | Organic Contaminants in Non-Fortified Human Serum (Freeze-Dried) | 5 vials x 10.7 mL |
1958 | 强化人血清中的有机污染物(冻干) | Organic Contaminants in Fortified Human Serum (Freeze-Dried) | 5 vials x 10.7 mL |
1961 | 聚苯乙烯球体30m直径聚苯乙烯球 | Polystyrene Spheres 30 µm Diameter Polystyrene Spheres | 5 mL |
1965 | 微球滑动(10米聚苯乙烯球) | Microsphere Slide (10-µm Polystyrene Spheres) | slide |
1967a | 高纯铂热敏元件 | High-Purity Platinum Thermoelement | 0.51 x 1 m platinum wire |
1972 | 1,3-二恶烷-2-一个三联点 | 1,3-Dioxolan-2-one Triple Point | 60 g |
1974c | 贻贝组织中的有机物(紫贻贝) | Organics in Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis) | 5 jars x 10 g |
1976b | X射线粉末衍射仪器响应标准 | Instrument Response Standard for X-Ray Powder Diffraction | 1 disc |
1978 | 重力沉降粒度分布标准 | Particles Size Distribution Standard for Gravity Sedimentation | 5 g |
1979 | 粒度分析用粉末衍射线轮廓标准(纳米晶氧化锌粉) | Powder Diffraction Line Profile Standard for Crystallite Size Analysis(Nano-Crystalline ZnO Powder) | 2 x 3 g |
1980 | 阳性电泳迁移率(+)µE)标准 | Positive Electrophoretic Mobility (+µE) Standard | 500 mg/L |
1982 | 热喷涂粉末.粒径分布Yttria稳定的氧化锆(球体) | Thermal Spray Powder – Particle Size Distribution Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia (Spheroidal) | 10 g |
1984 | 热喷涂粉末-粒度分布碳化钨/钴(针状) | Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Acicular) | 14 g |
1985 | 热喷涂粉末-粒度分布碳化钨/钴(球状) | Thermal Spray Powder - Particle Size Distribution Tungsten Carbide/Cobalt (Spheroidal) | 14 g |
1990 | 单晶衍射仪对准标准-红宝石球 | Single Crystal Diffractometer Alignment Standard - Ruby Sphere | 3 spheres |
1991 | 亚甲基氯化物中煤焦油/石油萃取物的混合 | Mix Coal Tar/Petroleum Extract in Methylene Chloride | 5 x 1.2 mL |
1994 | 晶体取向用标准硅单晶晶片 | Standard Silicon Single Crystal Wafer for Crystalline Orientation | 100-mm wafer |
2034 | 氧化钬溶液波长标准(240 nm至650 nm) | Holmium Oxide Solution Wavelength Standard (240 nm to 650 nm) | Cuvette |
2035 b | 紫外可见光近红外波长/波数传输标准 | Ultraviolet-Visible-Near-Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Transmission Standard | each |
2036 | 近红外波长/波数反射标准 | Near Infrared Wavelength/Wavenumber Reflection Standard | each |
2061 | 显微分析用TiAl(NBW)合金 | TiAl(NbW) Alloy for Microanalysis | cube |
2066 | K-411玻璃微球 | K-411 Glass Microspheres | 50 mg |
2074 | 正弦粗糙度试样 | Sinusoidal Roughness Specimen | each |
2075 | 正弦粗糙度试样 | Sinusoidal Roughness Specimen | each |
2082 | 微升体积分光度计的长吸光度标准 | Pathlength Absorbance Standards for Microliter Volume Spectrophotometers | set of 3 vials |
2092 | 低能Charpy V-缺口标本(NIST-验证,8毫米射手) | Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (NIST-Verification, 8-mm Striker) | set |
2093 | 低能量Charpy V-缺口样本(自验证,8毫米射手) | Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (Self-Verification, 8-mm Striker) | set |
2096 | 高能Charpy V-缺口标本(NIST-验证,8毫米-前锋) | High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (NIST-Verification, 8 mm-Striker) | set |
2097 | 高能Charpy V-缺口标本(自验证,8毫米射手) | High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (Self-Verification, 8-mm Striker) | set |
2100 a | 陶瓷断裂韧性 | Fracture Toughness of Ceramic | 5 bars |
2100 b | 陶瓷断裂韧性 | Fracture Toughness of Ceramic | 5 bars |
2112 | 动态冲击力验证样本(自验证,8毫米射手,标称24 kN) | Dynamic Impact Force Verification Specimens (Self-Verification, 8-mm Striker, nominal 24 kN) | set |
2113 | 动态冲击力验证样本(自验证,8毫米前锋;33 kN标称) | Dynamic Impact Force Verification Specimens (Self-Verification, 8-mm Striker; 33 kN nominal) | set |
2133 | Si深度剖面中的磷种植 | Phosphorus Implant in Si Depth Profile | each |
2134 | 硅深度剖面标准中的砷植入 | Arsenic Implant in Silicon Depth Profile Standard | each |
2135 c | Ni/Cr薄膜深度剖面 | Ni/Cr Thin Film Depth Profile | each |
2137 | 硅中硼植入深度剖面浓度校准标准 | Boron Implant in Silicon Standard for Calibration of Concentration in a Depth Profile | each |
2139 | 锌铝合金 | Zinc-Aluminum Alloy | 100 g |
2141 | 尿素 | Urea | 2 g |
2143 | 对氟苯甲酸 | p-Fluorobenzoic Acid | 2 g |
2144 | 间氯苯甲酸 | m-Chlorobenzoic Acid | 2 g |
2152 | 尿素燃烧热计量标准 | Urea Combustion Calorimetric Standard | 25 g |
2160 | 低合金钢(销形) | Low-Alloy Steel (pin form) | 200 g |
2161 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2162 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2163 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2164 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2165 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2166 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2167 | 低合金钢(片状) | Low Alloy Steel (chip form) | 150 g |
2168 | 高纯铁(晶片形式) | High-Purity Iron (chip form) | 150 g |
2171 | La Steel,(HSLA 100) | LA Steel, (HSLA 100) | 150 g |
2175 | 耐火合金MP-35-N | Refractory Alloy MP-35-N | 150 g |
2181 | HEPES | HEPES | 60 g |
2182 | HEPES钠盐 | HEPES Sodium Salt | 60 g |
2185 | 邻苯二甲酸氢钾Pd标准 | Potassium Hydrogen Phthalate pD Standard | 60 g |
2186 I | 磷酸二氢钾 | Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate | 30 g |
2186II | 磷酸氢二钠 | Disodium Hydrogen Phosphate | 30 g |
2191 a | 碳酸氢钠 | Sodium Bicarbonate | 30 g |
2192 a | 碳酸钠 | Sodium Carbonate | 30 g |
2197 | 低能量Charpy V-缺口样本(自验证,2毫米射手) | Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (Self-Verification, 2-mm Striker) | set |
2198 | 高能Charpy V-缺口标本(自验证,2毫米射手) | High-Energy Charpy V-Notch Specimens (Self-Verification, 2-mm Striker) | set |
2201 | 氯化钠(离子选择性) | Sodium Chloride (Ion-Selective) | 125 g |
2203 | 氟化钾(离子选择电极标准) | Potassium Fluoride (Standard for Ion-Selective Electrodes) | 125 g |
2206 | 可控孔径玻璃-BET比表面积(300 Nm) | Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (300 nm) | 5 g |
2207 | 受控孔玻璃-BET比表面积(公称孔径18 nm) | Controlled Pore Glass - BET Specific Surface Area (Nominal Pore Diameter 18 nm) | 5 g |
2214 | 异辛烷液体密度 | Isooctane Liquid Density | 4 x 5 mL |
2216 | 小型化低能Charpy V-缺口KLST样品(自验证) | Miniaturized Low-Energy Charpy V-Notch KLST Specimens (Self-Verification) | set |
2218 | 微型高能Charpy V-缺口KLST样品(自验证) | Miniaturized High-Energy Charpy V-Notch KLST Specimens (Self-Verification) | set |
2219 | 微型超高能Charpy V-缺口KLST试件(自验证) | Miniaturized Super-High Energy Charpy V-Notch KLST Specimens (Self-Verification) | set |
2235 | 热分析用铋 | Bismuth for Thermal Analysis | 1.5 g |
2241 | 拉曼光谱的相对强度校正标准:785 nm激发 | Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 785 nm Excitation | each |
2244 | 拉曼光谱的相对强度校正标准:1064 nm激发 | Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 1064 nm Excitation | each |
2245 | 拉曼光谱的相对强度校正标准:633 nm激发 | Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 633 nm Excitation | each |
2246 | 拉曼光谱的相对强度校正标准:830 nm激发 | Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Raman Spectroscopy: 830 nm Excitation | each |
2257 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的多溴二苯醚同系物 | PBDE Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2258 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的溴二苯醚209 | BDE 209 in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2259 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的多氯联苯同系物 | Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
2260 a | 甲苯中的芳烃 | Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Toluene | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2261 | 正己烷中的氯化农药(公称质量浓度为2克/毫升) | Chlorinated Pesticides in Hexane (Nominal Mass Concentration 2 µg/mL) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2262 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的氯化联苯同系物(标称质量浓度为2μg/mL) | Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (Nominal Mass Concentration 2 μg/mL) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2266 | 2,2,4*基戊烷中的厚朴烷和甾烷 | Hopanes and Steranes in 2,2,4 Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2269 | 过氘PAH-I溶液在正己烷/甲苯中的作用 | Perdeuterated PAH-I Solution in Hexane/Toluene | 5x1.2 mL |
2270 | 过氘PAH-Ⅱ溶液在正己烷/甲苯中的作用 | Perdeuterated PAH-II Solution in Hexane/Toluene | 5x1.2 mL |
2273 | 异辛烷中的氯化农药和代谢物 | Chlorinated Pesticides (DDTs) and Metabolites in Isooctane | 5x1.2 mL |
2274 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的多氯联苯同系物 | Polychlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5x1.2 mL |
2275 | 异辛烷氯化农药溶液-II | Chlorinated Pesticide Solution-II in Isooctane | 5x1.2 mL |
2285 | 可燃液体试验混合物 | Ignitable Liquids Test Mixture | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2294 | 重整汽油(标称质量分数11%MTBE) | Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 11% MTBE) | 2 x 20 mL |
2295 | 重整汽油(标称15%MTBE) | Reformulated Gasoline (nominal 15% MTBE) | 2 x 20 mL |
2296 | 重整汽油(标称质量分数13%ETBE) | Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 13 % ETBE) | 2 x 20 mL |
2297 | 重整汽油(标称质量分数为10%乙醇) | Reformulated Gasoline (Nominal Mass Fraction 10% Ethanol) | 2 x 20 mL |
2298 | 汽油中的硫(高辛烷值) | Sulfur in Gasoline (High-Octane) | 5 x 20 mL |
2299 | 汽油中的硫(重新配制) | Sulfur in Gasoline (Reformulated) | 5 x 20 mL |
2365 | BK病毒DNA定量标准 | BK Virus DNA Quantitative Standard | 1 vial x 110 µL |
2366 a | 巨细胞病毒DNAΔ147(BAC)用于DNA测量 | Cytomegalovirus DNA (TowneΔ147 BAC) for DNA Measurements | 1 vial x 150 µL |
2372a | 人DNA定量标准 | Human DNA Quantitation Standard | 3 vials x 55 µL |
2373 | 基因组DNA标准HER 2测量值 | Genomic DNA Standards for HER2 Measurements | 5 vials, 1 each level |
2374 | 用于外部RNA控制的DNA序列库 | DNA Sequence Library for External RNA Controls | 96 tubes |
2377 | 2,2,4-*基戊烷中的脂肪酸甲酯 | Fatty Acid Methyl Esters in 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2378 | 冷冻人血清中的脂肪酸 | Fatty Acids in Frozen Human Serum | 3 vials x 1 mL |
2384 | 烤巧克力 | Baking Chocolate | 5 x 91 g |
2385 | 浆菠菜 | Slurried Spinach | 4 x 70 g |
2387 | 花生酱 | Peanut Butter | 3 x 170 g |
2391 c | 基于PCR的DNA分析标准 | PCR-Based DNA Profiling Standard | 5 vials |
2392 | 线粒体DNA测序(人) | Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing (Human) | set (3) |
2392-I | 线粒体DNA测序(人HL-60 DNA) | Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing (Human HL-60 DNA) | each |
2393 | 亨廷顿病CAG重复长度突变 | CAG Repeat Length Mutation in Huntington's Disease | set (6) |
2394 | 异质线粒体DNA突变检测STD | Heteroplasmic Mitochondrial DNA Mutation Detection Std | set (10) |
2396 | DNA氧化损伤质谱标准 | Oxidative DNA Damage Mass Spectrometry Standards | set (10) |
2426 | 55%铝锌合金 | 55 % Aluminum-Zinc Alloy | 40 g |
2429 | 烟气脱硫石膏 | Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum | 1 bottle x 200 g |
2430 | 白钨矿 | Scheelite Ore | 100 g |
2431 | 钛基合金 | Titanium Base Alloy | 50 g |
2432 | 钛基合金10V-2Fe3Al | Titanium-Base Alloy 10V - 2Fe - 3Al | 50 g |
2433 | 钛基合金8Al-1mo-1V | Titanium-Base Alloy 8Al-1Mo-1V | 50 g |
2445 | 碘化活性炭中的汞 | Mercury in Iodized Activated Carbon | 25 g |
2448 | 溴化活性炭中的汞 | Mercury in Brominated Activated Carbon | 25 g |
2451 | 氰化矿石浸出中的细碳(活化) | Fine Carbon (Activated) - From Cyanide Ore Leaching | 100 g |
2452 | 钛合金中的氢(标称质量分数60 mg/kg H)(晶片形式) | Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy (Nominal Mass Fraction 60 mg/kg H) (chip form) | 10 g |
2453 a | 钛合金中的氢(标称质量分数125 mg/kg H) | Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy (Nominal Mass Fraction 125 mg/kg H) | 10 g |
2454 | 钛合金中的氢 | Hydrogen In Titanium Alloy | 10 g |
2461 | 标准卡特里奇箱 | Standard Cartridge Case | 1 each |
2483 | 单壁碳纳米管 | Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) | 250 mg |
2484 | 多壁碳纳米管 | Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes (Raw Soot) | 6 g |
2492 | 流变测量用宾厄姆糊混合物 | Bingham Paste Mixture for Rheological Measurements | kit for two batches |
2493 | 流变测量用宾汉砂浆混合物 | Bingham Mortar Mixture for Rheological Measurements | kit for two batches |
2541 | 硅电阻率标准-0.01欧姆·厘米级 | Silicon Resistivity Standard - 0.01 ohm•cm Level | wafer |
2543 | 硅电阻率标准-1欧姆·厘米级 | Silicon Resistivity Standard - 1 ohm•cm Level | wafer |
2556 | 二手汽车催化剂(球团) | Used Auto Catalyst (Pellets) | 70 g |
2557 | 旧汽车催化剂(Monolith) | Used Auto Catalyst (Monolith) | 70 g |
2569 | 儿童产品用铅涂料膜 | Lead Paint Films for Children's Products | 8 sheets |
2570 | 建筑表面用铅涂料膜(空白)(颜色:白色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Blank) (Color: White) | 1 film |
2571 | 建筑表面用铅涂料膜(标称PB3.5mg/cm)2(颜色:黄色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal PB 3.5 mg/cm2 (Color: Yellow) | 1 +blank |
2572 | 建筑表面铅涂料(标称铅1.6毫克/厘米)2)(颜色:橙色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal Pb 1.6 mg/cm2) (Color: Orange) | 1 +blank |
2573 | 建筑表面铅涂料(标称铅1.0毫克/厘米)2)(颜色:红色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal Pb 1.0 mg/cm2) (Color: Red) | 1 +blank |
2574 | 建筑表面铅涂料(标称铅0.7毫克/厘米)2)(颜色:黄金) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal Pb 0.7 mg/cm2) (Color: Gold) | 1 +blank |
2575 | 建筑表面铅涂料(标称铅0.3mg/cm)2)(颜色:绿色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal Pb 0.3 mg/cm2) (Color: Green) | 1 +blank |
2576 | 建筑表面铅涂料(标称铅5.6毫克/厘米)2)(颜色:蓝色) | Lead Paint Film for Building Surfaces (Nominal Pb 5.6 mg/cm2) (Color: Blue) | 1 +blank |
2579 a | 建筑表面用铅涂料膜(SRM 2570至SRM 2575) | Lead Paint Films For Building Surfaces (SRM 2570 through SRM 2575) | set (6) |
2580 | 粉状油漆(标称质量分数为4%铅) | Powdered Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 4 % Lead) | 30 g |
2581 | 粉状油漆(质量分数为0.5%铅) | Powdered Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 0.5 % Lead) | 35 g |
2582 | 粉状油漆(标称200毫克/千克铅) | Powdered Paint (Nominal 200 mg/kg Lead) | 20 g |
2583 | 室内粉尘中微量元素(标称质量分数为90 mg/kg铅) | Trace Elements in Indoor Dust (Nominal Mass Fraction of 90 mg/kg Lead) | 8 g |
2584 | 室内粉尘中的微量元素(1%铅的名义质量分数) | Trace Elements in Indoor Dust (Nominal Mass Fraction of 1 % Lead) | 8 g |
2585 | 室内粉尘中的有机污染物 | Organic Contaminants in House Dust | 10 g |
2586 | 涂料中含铅土壤中的微量元素(名义质量分数为500 mg/kg铅) | Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead From Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 500 mg/kg Lead) | 55 g |
2587 | 涂料中含铅土壤中的微量元素(名义质量分数为3000 mg/kg铅) | Trace Elements in Soil Containing Lead from Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 3000 mg/kg Lead) | 55 g |
2589 | 粉状油漆(10%铅的名义质量分数) | Powdered Paint (Nominal Mass Fraction of 10 % Lead) | 35 g |
2613 a | 空气中的一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数为20毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2614 a | 空气中的一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数为45毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 45 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2617 | 氮气中的二氧化碳(公称含量为500毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2619 a | 氮中二氧化碳(公称量-物质分数0.5%mol/mol) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.5 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2622 a | 氮中二氧化碳(公称量-物质分数2%mol/mol) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2624a | 氮中二氧化碳(公称量-物质分数3%mol/mol) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2625 a | 氮中二氧化碳(公称量-物质分数3.5%mol/mol) | Carbon Dioxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 3.5 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2627 a | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称量-物质分数为5毫微升/摩尔) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2630 | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称量-物质分数1500毫微升/摩尔) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2635 a | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数为25毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 25 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2636 a | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数250毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2637 a | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称含量为2500毫微升/摩尔) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2500 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2640 a | 氮中一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数2%mol/mol) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 2 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2644 a | 氮气中的丙烷(标称含量为250毫微升/摩尔) | Propane in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 250 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2668 | 冷冻人尿液中的有毒元素 | Toxic Elements in Frozen Human Urine | 10 vials x 1.5 mL |
2669 | 冷冻人尿中砷的形态 | Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine | 10 vials x 1.5 mL |
2670 a | 冻干尿液中的有毒元素 | Toxic Elements in Freeze-Dried Urine | 4 bottles x 20 mL |
2681 | 空白滤波器中的微量本构元素 | Trace Constituent Elements in Blank Filters | 10 filters |
2682c | 亚烟煤(标称质量分数0.5%硫) | Subbituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) | 1 bottle x 50 g |
2683c | 烟煤(标称质量分数2%硫) | Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 % Sulfur) | 50 g |
2684 c | 烟煤(标称质量分数3%硫) | Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 3 % Sulfur) | 50 g |
2685C | 烟煤(标称质量分数5%硫) | Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 5 %Sulfur) | 50 g |
2688 | 硅酸盐水泥熟料 | Portland Cement Clinker | 3 vials x 10 g |
2689 | 粉煤灰 | Coal Fly Ash | 3 x 10 g |
2690 | 粉煤灰 | Coal Fly Ash | 3 x 10 g |
2691 | 粉煤灰 | Coal Fly Ash | 3 x 10 g |
2692c | 烟煤(标称质量分数1%硫) | Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 1 % Sulfur) | 50 g |
2693 | 烟煤(标称质量分数0.5%硫) | Bituminous Coal (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.5 % Sulfur) | 50 g |
2696 | 硅粉(粉末状) | Silica Fume (powder form) | 70 g |
2700 | 受污染土壤中的六价铬(低水平) | Hexavalent Chromium in Contaminated Soil (Low Level) | 75 g |
2702 | 海洋沉积物中的无机物 | Inorganics in Marine Sediment | 50 g |
2703 | 固体取样沉积物(小样本)分析技术 | Sediment for Solid Sampling (Small Sample) Analytical Techniques | 5 g |
2717 a | 残余燃料油中的硫(公称质量分数3%) | Sulfur in Residual Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 3%) | 100 mL |
2718 a | 绿色石油焦 | Green Petroleum Coke | 50 g |
2719 | 煅烧石油焦 | Calcined Petroleum Coke | 50 g |
2720 | 二丁基硫中的硫 | Sulfur in Di-n-Butyl Sulfide | 5 x 4.5 mL |
2723 b | 柴油中的硫(标称质量分数10毫克/千克) | Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 10 mg/kg) | 100 mL |
2730 | 氮中硫化氢(公称量-物质分数为5摩尔/摩尔) | Hydrogen Sulfide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 5 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2731 | 氮中硫化氢(标称量-物质分数为20 mmol/mol) | Hydrogen Sulfide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 20 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2738 | 氮气中的一氧化氮(公称含量为1000 nmol/mol) | Nitric Oxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 1000 nmol/mol) | 30 L cylinder |
2740 a | 氮气中的一氧化碳(公称含量为10%mol/mol) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 10 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2741a | 氮中一氧化碳(公称量-物质分数13%mol/mol) | Carbon Monoxide in Nitrogen (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 13 % mol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2750 | 空气中的甲烷(公称量-物质分数50毫微升/摩尔) | Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 50 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2751 | 空气中的甲烷(公称量-物质分数100毫微升/摩尔) | Methane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2764 | 空气中的丙烷(公称质量分数0.25毫微升/摩尔) | Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 0.25 µmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2765 | 空气中的丙烷(公称含量为100 nmol/mol) | Propane in Air (Nominal Amount-of-Substance Fraction 100 nmol/mol) | 6 L cylinder |
2770 | 柴油中的硫(公称质量分数40毫克/千克) | Sulfur in Diesel Fuel Oil (Nominal Mass Fraction 40 mg/kg) | 10 x 10 mL |
2772 | B 100生物柴油(大豆基) | B100 Biodiesel (Soy-Based) | 5 ampoules x 10 mL each |
2775 | 铸造焦炭 | Foundry Coke | 50 g |
2776 | 炉焦 | Furnace Coke | 50 g |
2777 | 甲苯对墨西哥湾原油的风化作用 | Weathered Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil in Toluene | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2779 | 墨西哥湾原油 | Gulf of Mexico Crude Oil | 5 x 1.2mL |
2780 a | 硬岩矿山废物 | Hard Rock Mine Waste | 50 g |
2781 | 生活污泥 | Domestic Sludge | 40 g |
2782 | 工业污泥 | Industrial Sludge | 70 g |
2783 | 过滤介质上的空气微粒 | Air Particulate on Filter Media | 2 +2 Blnk (47 mm dia) |
2786 | 大气颗粒物(平均粒径<4m) | Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter (Mean Particle Diameter < 4 µm) | 100 mg to 140 mg |
2787 | 大气颗粒物(平均粒径<10m) | Fine Atmospheric Particulate Matter (Mean Particle Diameter < 10 µm) | 100 mg to 140 mg |
2790 | 硬木生物质材料中的无机成分 | Inorganic Constituents in Hardwood Biomass Material | 2 x 30 g |
2791 | 软木生物质材料中的无机成分 | Inorganic Constituents in Softwood Biomass Material | 2 x 30 g |
2798 a | 镍的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Nickel | each |
2811 | 洛氏C硬度-中间范围 | Rockwell C Hardness - Mid Range | each |
2812 | 罗克韦尔C刻度硬度高范围 | Rockwell C Scale Hardness - High Range | each |
2816 | 洛氏硬度15N标尺-低量程(标称72 HR15N) | Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - Low Range (Nominal 72 HR15N) | 1 block |
2817 | 洛氏硬度15N刻度-中间范围(标称83 HR15N) | Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - Mid Range (Nominal 83 HR15N) | 1 block |
2818 | 洛氏硬度15N刻度-高量程(标称91 HR15N) | Rockwell Hardness 15N Scale - High Range (Nominal 91 HR15N) | 1 block |
2819 | 洛氏硬度30N刻度-低量程(标称45 HR30N) | Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - Low Range (Nominal 45 HR30N) | 1 block |
2820 | 洛氏硬度30N刻度-中档范围(公称64 HR30N) | Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - Mid Range (Nominal 64 HR30N) | 1 block |
2821 | 洛氏硬度30N刻度-高量程(公称79 HR30N) | Rockwell Hardness 30N Scale - High Range (Nominal 79 HR30N) | 1 block |
2828 | 钢的Knoop显微硬度 | Knoop Microhardness of Steel | each |
2829 | 钢的维氏显微硬度 | Vickers Microhardness of Steel | each |
2830 | 陶瓷的Knoop硬度 | Knoop Hardness of Ceramics | each |
2831 | 陶瓷和硬质合金的维氏硬度 | Vickers Hardness of Ceramics and Hardmetals | each |
2841 | 半导体薄膜:AlxGa1-xAs外延层(Al摩尔分数)x (接近0.20) | Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers (Al mole fraction x near 0.20) | disk |
2842 | 半导体薄膜:AlxGa1-xAs外延层(Al摩尔分数x接近0.30) | Semiconductor Thin Film: AlxGa1-xAs Epitaxial Layers (Al mole fraction x near 0.30) | disk |
2855 | 聚乙烯中的添加剂元素 | Additive Elements in Polyethylene | 3 Levels, 80 g each |
2859 | 聚氯乙烯中的限制性元素 | Restricted Elements in Polyvinyl Chloride | 25 g |
2861 | 聚氯乙烯中的限制性元素 | Restricted Elements in Polyvinyl Chloride | 25 g |
2870 | 相对介电常数和损耗切线1422交联聚苯乙烯 | Relative Permittivity and Loss Tangent 1422 Cross-Linked Polystyrene | circular-cylindrical puck |
2885 | 聚乙烯(质量-平均摩尔质量[M])W]6 280 g/mol) | Polyethylene (Mass-Average Molar Mass [Mw] 6 280 g/mol) | 0.3 g |
2886 | 聚乙烯(质量-平均摩尔质量[M])W]87 000克/摩尔) | Polyethylene (Mass-Average Molar Mass [MW] 87 000 g/mol) | 0.3 g |
2887 | 聚乙烯(质量-平均摩尔质量[mW]196 400 g/mol) | Polyethylene (Mass-Average Molar Mass [Mw] 196 400 g/mol) | 0.3 g |
2890 | 水饱和正辛醇 | Water Saturated 1-Octanol | 5 x 2 mL |
2891 | 乙醇-水溶液(标称质量分数0.02%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.02 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2892 | 乙醇-水溶液(名义质量分数0.04%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.04 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2893a | 乙醇-水溶液(名义质量分数0.08%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.08 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2894 | 乙醇-水溶液(标称质量分数0.1%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.1 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2895 | 乙醇-水溶液(标称质量分数0.2%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.2 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2896 | 乙醇-水溶液(标称质量分数0.3%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 0.3 %) | 5 x 1.2 mL |
2897 a | 乙醇水溶液(标称质量分数2%) | Ethanol Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 2 %) | 5 x 10 mL |
2898 a | 乙醇水溶液(标称质量分数6%) | Ethanol Water Solution, (Nominal Mass Fraction 6 %) | 5 x 10 mL |
2899 a | 乙醇-水溶液(公称质量分数25%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 25 %) | 5 x 10 mL |
2900 | 乙醇-水溶液(标称质量分数95.6%) | Ethanol-Water Solution (Nominal Mass Fraction 95.6%) | 5 x 10 mL |
2905 | 微量模拟物 | Trace Terrorist Explosives Simulants | 4 bottles x 1 g each |
2910 b | 羟基磷灰石 | Hydroxyapatite | 2 g |
2924 | C反应蛋白溶液 | C-Reactive Protein Solution | 3 vials x 1 mL |
2944 | 荧光光谱的相对强度校正标准:红色发射 | Relative Intensity Correction Standard for Fluorescence Spectroscopy: Red Emission | each(12.5 x 12.5 x 45)mm |
2950 a | 过滤介质上的可吸入α石英(α石英标称质量为5g-500μg) | Respirable Alpha Quartz on Filter Media (Nominal Mass of Alpha Quartz 5 µg-500 µg) | 35 filters plus 35 blanks |
2971 | 24r,25-二羟基维生素D3校准溶液 | 24R,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Calibration Solution | 5 ampoules x 1 mL |
2972a | 25-羟维生素D校准溶液 | 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Calibration Solutions | 20 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
2973 | 冷冻人血清中维生素D代谢产物(高水平) | Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum (High Level) | 2 vials x 1 mL |
2974 a | 冻干贻贝组织中的有机物 | Organics in Freeze-Dried Mussel Tissue (Mytilus edulis) | 5 g |
2975 | 柴油颗粒物 | Diesel Particulate Matter | 1 g |
2976 | 贻贝组织中的微量元素和甲基汞(冻干) | Trace Elements and Methylmercury in Mussel Tissue (Freeze-Dried) | 25 g |
3030 | 单甲醚酸标准溶液 | Monomethylarsonic Acid Standard Solution | 2 x 5 mL |
3031 | 二甲基拉拉酸标准溶液 | Dimethylarsinic Acid Standard Solution | 2 x 5 mL |
3033 | 砷甜菜碱标准溶液 | Arsenobetaine Standard Solution | 2 x 5 mL |
3034 | 砷胆碱标准溶液 | Arsenocholine Standard Solution | 2 x 5 mL |
3035 | 苹果汁中砷的种类 | Arsenic Species in Apple Juice | 5 x 1.5 mL |
3060 | 邻苯二甲酸单酯在乙腈中的应用 | Monoester Phthalates in Acetonitrile | 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
3074 | 甲醇中邻苯二甲酸酯 | Phthalates in Methanol | 5 x 1.2 mL |
3077 | 变压器油中的Aroclor 1242 | Aroclor 1242 in Transformer Oil | 5x1.2 mL |
3079 | 变压器油中的Aroclor 1254 | Aroclor 1254 in Transformer Oil | 5x1.2 mL |
3080 | 变压器油中的Aroclor 1260 | Aroclor 1260 in Transformer Oil | 5x1.2 mL |
3101 A | 铝(铝)标准溶液 | Aluminum (Al) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3102 a | 锑(某人)标准溶液 | Antimony (Sb) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3104 a | 钡(Ba)标准溶液 | Barium (Ba) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3105 a | 铍标准溶液 | Beryllium (Be) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3107 | 硼(B)标准溶液 | Boron (B) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3108 | 镉标准溶液 | Cadmium (Cd) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3109 a | 钙标准溶液 | Calcium (Ca) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3110 | 铈(Ce)标准溶液 | Cerium (Ce) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3111 a | 铯(Cs)标准溶液 | Cesium (Cs) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3112 a | 铬(Cr)标准溶液 | Chromium (Cr) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3114 | 铜(铜)标准溶液 | Copper (Cu) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3116 a | 铒(Er)标准溶液 | Erbium (Er) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3117 a | 铕(欧盟)标准溶液 | Europium (Eu) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3118 a | 钆(Gd)标准溶液 | Gadolinium (Gd) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3119 a | 镓(Ga)标准溶液 | Gallium (Ga) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3120 a | 锗标准溶液 | Germanium (Ge) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3121 | 金(金)标准溶液 | Gold (Au) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3122 | Hf(HF)标准溶液 | Hafnium (Hf) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3123 a | 钬(Ho)标准溶液 | Holmium (Ho) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3124 a | 铟标准溶液 | Indium (In) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3126 a | 铁(铁)标准溶液 | Iron (Fe) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3127 a | 镧(La)标准溶液 | Lanthanum (La) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3128 | 铅(铅)标准溶液 | Lead (Pb) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3129 a | 锂(锂)标准溶液 | Lithium (Li) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3130 a | 氚(Lu)标准溶液 | Lutetium (Lu) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3131 a | 镁(镁)标准溶液 | Magnesium (Mg) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3133 | 汞(汞)标准溶液 | Mercury (Hg) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3134 | 钼(钼)标准溶液 | Molybdenum (Mo) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3135 a | 钕(Nd)标准溶液 | Neodymium (Nd) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3136 | 镍(镍)标准溶液 | Nickel (Ni) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3137 | 铌(Nb)标准溶液 | Niobium (Nb) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3138 | 钯(Pd)标准溶液 | Palladium (Pd) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3139 a | 磷(P)标准溶液 | Phosphorus (P) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3140 | 铂(Pt)标准溶液 | Platinum (Pt) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3141a | 钾(K)标准溶液 | Potassium (K) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3142 a | Pr(Pr)标准溶液 | Praseodymium (Pr) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3143 | 铼(Re)标准溶液 | Rhenium (Re) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3145 a | 铷(Rb)标准溶液 | Rubidium (Rb) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3147 a | 钐(Sm)标准溶液 | Samarium (Sm) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3148 a | 钪(SC)标准溶液 | Scandium (Sc) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3149 | 硒标准溶液 | Selenium (Se) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3150 | 硅标准溶液 | Silicon (Si) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3151 | 银(银)标准溶液 | Silver (Ag) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3152 a | 钠(钠)标准溶液 | Sodium (Na) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3155 | 钽(Ta)标准溶液 | Tantalum (Ta) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3156 | 碲(Te)标准溶液 | Tellurium (Te) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3157 a | 铽标准溶液 | Terbium (Tb) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 ml |
3158 | (Tl)标准溶液 | Thallium (Tl) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3161 a | 锡(Sn)标准溶液 | Tin (Sn) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3162 a | 钛(Ti)标准溶液 | Titanium (Ti) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3163 | 钨(W)标准溶液 | Tungsten (W) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3164 | 铀(U)标准溶液(放射性) | Uranium (U) Standard Solution (Radioactive) | 5 x 10 mL |
3165 | 钒(V)标准溶液 | Vanadium (V) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3166 a | 镱(Yb)标准溶液 | Ytterbium (Yb) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3167 a | 钇(Y)标准溶液 | Yttrium (Y) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3168 a | 锌(锌)标准溶液 | Zinc (Zn) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3169 | 锆(Zr)标准溶液 | Zirconium (Zr) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3177 | 标准溶液 | Mercuric Chloride Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3181 | 硫酸阴离子(SO)42–)标准解决方案 | Sulfate Anion (SO42–) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3182 | 氯阴离子(Cl)–)标准解决方案 | Chloride Anion (Cl–) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3183 | 氟化物阴离子(F)-)标准解决方案 | Fluoride Anion (F-) Standard Solution | 50 mL |
3184 | 溴阴离子-)标准解决方案 | Bromide Anion (Br-) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3185 | 硝酸阴离子(NO)3–)标准解决方案 | Nitrate Anion (NO3–) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3186 | 磷酸阴离子(PO)43-)标准解决方案 | Phosphate Anion (PO43-) Standard Solution | 5 x 10 mL |
3222 | 卷烟烟草填料 | Cigarette Tobacco Filler | 20 x 10 g |
3232 | 海带粉层叶肉) | Kelp Powder (Thallus laminariae) | 3 pouches x 5 g |
3233 | 强化早餐谷物 | Fortified Breakfast Cereal | 60 g each |
3234 | 豆粉 | Soy Flour | 50 g |
3235 | 豆奶 | Soy Milk | 10 x 10 mL |
3237 | 大豆浓缩蛋白 | Soy Protein Concentrate | 5 x 10 g |
3239 | 异黄酮校准液 | Isoflavones Calibration Solutions | 10 x 1.2 mL |
3246 | 银杏叶(叶子) | Ginkgo biloba (Leaves) | 5 X 3 g |
3247 | 银杏叶(摘录) | Ginkgo biloba (Extract) | 5 x 1 g |
3248 | 银杏片 | Ginkgo-Containing Tablets | 5 x 1 g |
3250 | 锯棕榈(Serenoarepens)果 | Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Fruit | 5 x 6 g |
3251 | 锯棕榈[医]雷公藤(Serenoarepens))萃取物 | Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens) Extract | 5 x 1 mL |
3252 | 蛋白质饮料混合物 | Protein Drink Mix | 5 pouches x 10 g each |
3253 | 叶尔巴配偶叶 | Yerba Mate Leaves | 2 x 10 g |
3254 | 绿茶山茶(Camellia Sinensis)叶 | Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Leaves | 5 x 3 g |
3255 | 绿茶(中国山茶)萃取物 | Green Tea (Camellia sinensis) Extract | 5 x 1 g |
3256 | 绿茶固体口服剂型 | Green Tea-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form | 5 x 2.5 g |
3257 | 儿茶素校准液 | Catechin Calibration Solutions | 12 x 2 mL |
3262 | 圣约翰麦汁贯叶连翘)架空部件 | St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) Aerial Parts | 5 packets x 3.3 grams |
3274 | 含欧米茄-3和欧米茄-6脂肪酸的植物油 | Botanical Oils Containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 FattyAcids | 4 x 1.2 mL |
3275 | 鱼油中的欧米茄-3和欧米茄-6脂肪酸 | Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids in Fish Oil | 3 ea (2 ampoule x 1.2 mL) |
3278 | 食用油脂中的生育酚 | Tocopherols in Edible Oils | 5 x 1 mL |
3280 | 复合维生素/多元片 | Multivitamin/Multielement Tablets | 30 tablets x 5 bottles |
3281 | 蔓越莓(果实) | Cranberry (Fruit) | 5 x 6 g |
3282 | 低热量蔓越莓果汁鸡尾酒 | Low-Calorie Cranberry Juice Cocktail | 5 x 1.2 mL |
3286 | 有机酸校准液 | Organic Acids Calibration Solution | 5 x 2 mL |
3287 | 蓝莓(水果) | Blueberry (Fruit) | 5 pouches x 5 g each |
3290 | 干猫食品 | Dry Cat Food | 5 pouches x 10 g each |
3451 | 低温Seebeck系数标准 | Low Temperature Seebeck Coefficient Standard | bar |
3530 | 加碘食盐(碘盐) | Iodized Table Salt (Iodide) | 1 bottle x 200 g |
3532 | 含钙固体口服剂型 | Calcium-Containing Solid Oral Dosage Form | 5 x 10 g |
3600 | 小角度X射线散射强度校准标准 | Absolute Intensity Calibration Standard for Small-Angle X-ray Scattering | coupon |
3667 | 冷冻人尿液中的肌酐 | Creatinine in Frozen Human Urine | 1 bottle x 10 mL |
3668 | 冷冻人尿中的汞、高氯酸盐和碘化物 | Mercury, Perchlorate, and Iodide in Frozen Human Urine | 10 vials x 1.5 mL |
3669 | 冷冻人尿中砷的种类(升高) | Arsenic Species in Frozen Human Urine (Elevated Levels) | 5 vials x 1.5 mL |
3671 | 人尿中尼古丁代谢物(冷冻) | Nicotine Metabolites in Human Urine (Frozen) | 3 vials x 10 mL |
3672 | 吸烟者尿液中的有机污染物(冷冻) | Organic Contaminants in Smokers' Urine (Frozen) | 5 vials x 10 mL |
3673 | 不吸烟者尿液中的有机污染物(冷冻) | Organic Contaminants in Non-Smokers' Urine (Frozen) | 5 vials x 10 mL |
3950 | 维生素B6冷冻人血清 | Vitamin B6 in Frozen Human Serum | 2 vials x 1 mL |
4222 d | 碳-14-n-十六烷放射性标准 | Carbon-14-n-hexadecane Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4226 D | 镍-63放射性标准 | Nickel-63 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4239 | 锶-90放射性标准溶液 | Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard Solution | 5 mL |
4274 | 钬-166 mγ射线发射率标准 | Holmium-166m Gamma-ray Emission Rate Standard | 5 mL |
4288 B | 99放射性标准 | Technetium-99 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4320 b | Curium-244放射性标准 | Curium-244 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4321d | 天然铀放射性标准 | Natural Uranium Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4323 c | 钚-238放射性标准 | Plutonium-238 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4326 a | Pol-209放射性标准 | Polonium-209 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4328 C | 钍-229放射性标准溶液 | Thorium-229 Radioactivity Standard Solution | 5 mL |
4330 C | 钚-239放射性标准 | Plutonium-239 Radioactivity Standard | 3 mL |
4332 E | Aamericium-243放射性标准 | Americium-243 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4334 j | 钚-242放射性标准 | Plutonium-242 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4337 | 铅210放射性标准 | Lead-210 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4339 b | 镭-228放射性溶液 | Radium-228 Radioactivity Solution | 5 mL |
4340 B | 钚-241放射性标准 | Plutonium-241 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4341 a | 氖-237放射性标准 | Neptunium-237 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4342 a | 钍-230放射性标准 | Thorium-230 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4350 B | 河流沉积物环境放射性标准 | River Sediment Environmental Radioactivity Standard | 85 g |
4351 | 人体肺环境放射性标准 | Human Lung Environmental Radioactivity Standard | 45 g |
4352 | 人肝环境放射性标准 | Human Liver Environmental Radioactivity Standard | 45 g |
4353 A | 石质平地土壤2号 | Rocky Flats Soil Number 2 | 90 g |
4354 | 淡水湖沉积物环境放射性标准 | Freshwater Lake Sediment Environmental Radioactivity Standard | 25 g |
4356 | 骨灰(放射性) | Ashed Bone (Radioactivity) | 15 g |
4357 | 海洋沉积物粉 | Ocean Sediment Powder | 85 g |
4358 | 海洋贝类放射性核素标准 | Ocean Shellfish Radionuclide Standard | 150 g |
4359 | 海藻放射性核素标准 | Seaweed Radionuclide Standard | 300 g |
4361 C | 氢-3放射性标准 | Hydrogen-3 Radioactivity Standard | 500 mL |
4915 F | 钴-60放射性标准溶液 | Cobalt-60 Radioactivity Standard Solution | 5 mL |
4919 I | 锶-90放射性标准 | Strontium-90 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4926 E | 氢-3放射性标准 | Hydrogen-3 Radioactivity Standard | 20 mL |
4927克 | 氢-3放射性标准 | Hydrogen-3 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4929 F | 铁-55放射性标准 | Iron-55 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4943 | 氯-36放射性标准 | Chlorine-36 Radioactivity Standard | 3 mL |
4949 d | 碘-129放射性标准 | Iodine-129 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4965 a | 放射性标准 | Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4966A | 放射性标准 | Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4967A | 放射性标准溶液 | Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard Solution | 5 mL |
4969 | 放射性标准 | Radium-226 Radioactivity Standard | 5 mL |
4990 C | 草酸 | Oxalic Acid | 8 x 28 g |
6002a | 多结热转换器-600欧姆 | Multi-Junction Thermal Converter - 600 ohms | each |
6002 b | 多结热转换器-1040欧姆 | Multi-Junction Thermal Converter - 1040 ohms | each |
6003a | 便携式真空标准 | Portable Vacuum Standard | each |
6003 b | 便携式真空标准1 Pa至700 kPa(商用汞压力计更换) | Portable Vacuum Standard 1 Pa to 700kPa (Commercial Mercury Manometer Replacement) | each |
8010 | 砂筛分析用砂 | Sand for Sand Sieve Analysis | 3 x 150 g |
8017 | 聚乙烯吡咯烷酮包覆银纳米颗粒(公称直径75 nm) | Polyvinylpyrrolidone Coated Silver Nanoparticles (Nominal Diameter 75 nm) | 5 vials |
8091 | 扫描电镜锐度标准 | Scanning Electron Microscope Sharpness Standard | each |
8095 | 西1-x葛氏xSi膜 | Si1-xGex Films on Si | 2 wafers, 1 each level |
8281 | 单壁碳纳米管(分散,三长分辨居群) | Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes (Dispersed, Three Length-Resolved Populations) | 4 x 2.5 mL |
8321 | 蛋白质组学肽混合物 | Peptide Mixture for Proteomics | 3 vials x 50 uL |
8323 | 酵母蛋白抽提物 | Yeast Protein Extract | 3 vials x 0.2 mL |
8366 | EGFR和相见癌症测量的基因拷贝数标准 | EGFR and MET Gene Copy Number Standards for Cancer Measurements | 6 vials, 100 µL each |
8375 | 用于测序性能评估的微生物基因组DNA标准 | Microbial Genomic DNA Standards for Sequencing Performance Assessment | 4 vials, 1 each level |
(mg-001,MG-002,MG-003,MG-004) | (MG-001, MG-002, MG-003, MG-004) | ||
8391 | 人类dna用于全基因组变异评估(东欧Ashkenazim犹太血统之子) | Human DNA for Whole-Genome Variant Assessment (Son of Eastern European Ashkenazim Jewish Ancestry) | 1 vial |
8392 | 人类DNA全基因组变异评估(东欧犹太人血统三重奏) | Human DNA for Whole-Genome Variant Assessment (Trio of Eastern European Ashkenazim Jewish Ancestry) | 3 vials |
8393 | 人类DNA全基因组变异鉴定(中国血统之子) | Human DNA for Whole-Genome Variant Assessment (Son of Chinese Ancestry) | 1 vial |
8394 | 细胞培养组织工程参考支架 | Tissue Engineering Reference Scaffolds for Cell Culture | 24 scaffolds |
8398 | 人类DNA用于全基因组变异评估(犹他州/欧洲血统的女儿) | Human DNA for Whole-Genome Variant Assessment (Daughter of Utah/European Ancestry) | 1 vial |
8420 | 电解铁 | Electrolytic Iron | 0.64 D x 5.0 |
8441a | 小麦硬度(核形) | Wheat Hardness (kernel form) | set (50) |
8445 | 用喷雾干燥全蛋检测变应原 | Spray-Dried Whole Egg for Allergen Detection | 5 g |
8446 | 全氟羧酸和全氟辛烷磺酰胺在甲醇中的应用 | Perfluorinated Carboxylic Acids and Perfluorooctane Sulfonamide in Methanol | 4 x 1.2 mL |
8447 | 甲醇中的全氟磺酸 | Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acids in Methanol | 3 x 1.2 mL |
8455 | 黄铁矿生物浸出基质 | Pyrite Ore Bioleaching Substrate | 100 g |
8491 | 甘蔗蔗渣全生物质饲料 | Sugarcane Bagasse Whole Biomass Feedstock | 50 g |
8492 | 东部棉材全生物质饲料 | Eastern Cottonwood Whole Biomass Feedstock | 50 g |
8493 | 蒙特利松全生物质饲料 | Monterey Pine Whole Biomass Feedstock | 50 g |
8494 | 麦草全生物质饲料 | Wheat Straw Whole Biomass Feedstock | 50 g |
8495 | 北方软木 | Northern Softwood | 10 sheets |
8496 | 桉树硬木 | Eucalyptus Hardwood | 10 sheets |
8505 | 原油中的钒 | Vanadium in Crude Oil | 250 mL |
8509 | 甲醇中的水分 | Moisture in Methanol | set (5) |
8529 | 原子能机构-S-3(硫化银中的硫同位素) | IAEA-S-3 (Sulfur Isotopes in Silver Sulfide) | 1 bottle x 0.5g |
8536 | GISP-水 | GISP-Water | 20 mL |
8537 | 水光稳定同位素标准 | SLAP-Water Light Stable Isotopic Standard | 20 mL |
8539 | NBS 22油(石油中的碳和氢同位素) | NBS22 Oil (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Oil) | 1 mL |
8540 | 原子能机构-CH-7(聚乙烯箔中的碳和氢同位素) | IAEA-CH-7 (Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopes in Polyethylene Foil) | 3.5 g |
8541 | USGS 24石墨 | USGS24 Graphite | 0.8 g |
(石墨中的碳同位素) | (Carbon Isotopes in Graphite) | ||
8546 | NBS 28(硅砂中的硅和氧同位素) | NBS28 (Silicon and Oxygen Isotopes in Silica Sand) | 0.4 g |
8547 | 原子能机构-N-1 | IAEA-N-1 | 0.4 g |
(硫酸铵中的氮同位素) | (Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) | ||
8548 | 原子能机构-N2(硫酸铵中的氮同位素) | IAEA-N-2 (Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) | 0.4 g |
8550 | USGS 25 | USGS25 | 0.5 g |
(硫酸铵中的氮同位素) | (Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) | ||
8551 | USGS 26 | USGS26 | 0.5 g |
(硫酸铵中的氮同位素) | (Nitrogen Isotopes in Ammonium Sulfate) | ||
8552 | NSVEC | NSVEC | 300 umol |
(气态氮中的氮同位素) | (Nitrogen Isotopes in Gaseous Nitrogen) | ||
8553 | 原子能机构-S-4(法国) | IAEA-S-4 (Soufre De Lacq) | 0.5 g |
(元素硫中的硫同位素) | (Sulfur Isotopes in Elemental Sulfur) | ||
8555 | Iaa-S-2(硫化银中的硫同位素) | IAEA-S-2 (Sulfur Isotopes in Silver Sulfide) | 0.5 g |
8557 | NBS 127 | NBS127 | 0.5 g |
(硫酸钡中的硫和氧同位素) | (Sulfur and Oxygen Isotopes in Barium Sulfate) | ||
8558 | 硝酸盐中的USGS 32氮氧同位素 | USGS32 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate | 0.9 g |
8562 | 协和2-13富C,古奥马林成因(二氧化碳) | CO2-13C-enriched, Paleomarine Origin (Carbon Dioxide) | set (2) |
8563 | 协和2-13碳贫化,石油化学来源(二氧化碳) | CO2-13C-depleted, Petrochemical Origin (Carbon Dioxide) | set (2) |
8564 | 协和2-生物源,现代生物群落(二氧化碳) | CO2-Biogenic, Modern Biomass Origin (Carbon Dioxide) | set (2) |
8568 | 硝酸盐中的USGS 34氮氧同位素 | USGS34 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate | 0.9 g |
8569 | 硝酸盐中的USGS 35氮氧同位素 | USGS35 Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Nitrate | 0.9 g |
8574 | L-谷氨酸USGS 41(L-谷氨酸中的重碳和氮同位素) | L-glutamic Acid USGS41 (Heavy Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes in L-glutamic Acid) | 0.5 g |
8599 | 亨德森辉钼矿 | Henderson Molybdenite | 10 g |
8610 | UM-Almaden单元素二级标准中的汞同位素 | Mercury Isotopes in UM-Almaden Mono-Elemental Secondary Standard | 4 x 5 mL |
8632 | 超细试验粉尘(UFTD) | Ultra Fine Test Dust (UFTD) | 20 g |
864a | FDA Saxitoxin溶液 | FDA Saxitoxin Dihydrochloride Solution | 5 ampoules x 1.2 mL |
8671 | 人IgG 1κ单克隆抗体NISTmAb | NISTmAb, Humanized IgG1κ Monoclonal Antibody | 1 vial x 800 uL |
8680 | 纤维板漆,标称1至2毫克/厘米2铅 | Paint on Fiberboard, Nominal 1 to 2 mg/cm2 Lead | each |
8704 | 水牛河沉积物 | Buffalo River Sediment | 50 g |
8785 | 过滤介质上的空气颗粒物 | Air Particulate Matter on Filter Media | 3 filters |
8786 | RM 8785滤芯 | Filter Blank for RM 8785 | filter |
8820 | 扫描电镜刻度伪像 | Scanning Electron Microscope Scale Calibration Artifact | each |
8850 | Y沸石 | Zeolite Y | 35-40 g |
8851 | A沸石 | Zeolite A | 35-40 g |
8852 | ZSM-5沸石 | Ammonium ZSM-5 Zeolite | 35-40 g |
8983 | 氮化硅 | Silicon Nitride | 4.5 g |
8988 | 二氧化钛粉体-粒度分布 | Titanium Dioxide Powder - Particle Size Distribution | 6 g |
C2415a | 电池铅(UNS 52770) | Battery Lead (UNS 52770) | disk |
C1252a | 磷脱氧铜-铜IX | Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu IX | block |
C 1115 | 商业青铜器A(座) | Commercial Bronze A (block) | disk |
C 1117 | 商业铜C(大厦) | Commercial Bronze C (block) | disk |
C 1137 a | 白口铸铁 | White Cast Iron | disk |
C1145a | 白口铸铁 | White Cast Iron | disk |
C 1151a | 不锈钢23Cr-7Ni | Stainless Steel 23Cr-7Ni | disk |
C 1152a | 不锈钢18Cr-11Ni | Stainless Steel 18Cr-11Ni | disk |
C 1153 a | 不锈钢17Cr-9Ni | Stainless Steel 17Cr-9Ni | disk |
C1154a | 不锈钢19 Cr-13 Ni | Stainless Steel 19Cr-13Ni | disk |
C 1173 | 铸钢3 | Cast Steel 3 | disk |
C 1248 | 镍铜合金 | Nickel-Copper Alloy | disk |
C1251a | 磷还原铜-铜VIII | Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu VIII | block |
C1253a | 磷还原铜-铜X | Phosphorus Deoxidized Copper - Cu X | block |
C1285 | La Steel(A 242)(MOD.) | LA Steel (A242) (mod.) | disk |
C1290 | 高合金白口铸铁(HC-250+V) | High-Alloy White Cast Iron (HC-250+V) | disk |
C1291 | 高合金白口铸铁(镍硬,I型) | High-Alloy White Cast Iron (Ni-Hard, Type I) | disk |
C1292 | 高合金白口铸铁I(镍硬,IV型) | High-Alloy White Cast Iron I (Ni-Hard, Type IV) | disk |
C1296 | 不锈钢 | Stainless Steel | disk |
C 2400 | Fe-Cr-Ni合金UNS J 92180(盘形) | Fe-Cr-Ni Alloy UNS J92180 (disk form) | disk |
C 2402 | 哈斯特洛7C | Hastelloy7C | disk |